Academic News and Key Reminders - Summer Quarter

Academic News and Key Reminders from the Graduate College

June 17, 2022

Welcome new graduate students and welcome back returning students! Happy Summer!

As we begin the summer term, the Graduate College would like to remind you of a few important academic dates, deadlines, policies and resources to help you navigate your graduate studies. We recommend you bookmark this information for future reference.

Please continue to refer to Drexel’s Response to Coronavirus website for the latest guidance and for contact information should you have any questions.

Graduate College Operations

The Graduate College office suite on the third floor of the Main Building (MAIN 301) is generally open for student services between 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. EDT Monday through Thursday. Walk-ins should check in using the kiosk at the front desk. We offer free filtered cold and hot water, tea, coffee, and hot chocolate for graduate students. Please stop in and say hello!

Please note that our office will be closed on Fridays during the summer term and our staff will be observing Summer Friday hours, which means we will conclude business at 12 p.m. EDT on Fridays. Please contact us via email at

The Graduate Student Lounge on the lower level of Main Building (MAIN 010A) is open 24/7 and accessible to all graduate students via your DragonCard ID. Students are welcome to use the lounge space for social gathering, studying, eating, and events. More information about the lounge is available on the Graduate College website. Please note that new students will gain access to the lounge during the first week of classes.

Academic Dates & Deadlines

Please refer to the
Academic Calendars on the Provost’s website frequently for all academic dates and deadlines which are subject to change. You should also consult with your individual college or school officials and assigned graduate academic advisor(s) for additional dates, deadlines and requirements for your program. 

Summer Quarter Dates & Deadlines:

Monday, June 20 - Observance of Juneteenth (University Holiday)
Tuesday, June 21 – Classes Begin*

Wednesday, June 22 by 4 p.m. EDT – Deadline to Submit a Graduate Program Completion Form for Spring Quarter Graduates (Required for doctoral and some master's thesis programs)
Monday, June 27 – Deadline to Confirm Your Enrollment in your DrexelOne
Monday, June 27 – Deadline to Add/Drop a Course with Academic Advisor Assistance*
Monday, June 27 by 11:59 p.m. EDT – Deadline to Add/Drop a Course in DrexelOne*
Monday, July 4 – Independence Day (University Holiday)
Friday, July 22 – Deadline to Submit an Application for Degree in DrexelOne for Summer Quarter Graduation
Week of July 25 – Fall Quarter Registration Begins (Review Your Time Ticket Information)
Monday, August 8 – Deadline to Withdraw from a Course with Academic Advisor Assistance*
Monday, August 29 – Last Day of Classes*
Tuesday, August 30 – Term Examinations Begin*
Saturday, September 3 – Term Examinations End*
Saturday, September 3 – Summer Quarter Degree Conferral Date (Date that appears on diploma)
Monday, September 5 – Labor Day (University Holiday)
Friday, September 9 – Academic Standing Notices Sent (See Graduate Academic Standing Policy)

*For part-of-term and semester dates and deadlines, please refer to Drexel’s Academic Calendars.


Academic Policies & Procedures

Please refer to the academic policies and procedures listed on both the
Provost’s and Graduate College websites. Additional policies are outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, including the Academic Integrity policy and conduct process. All students MUST be aware of and knowledgeable of these policies and procedures. Please review frequently for updates.

International students (F-1 and J-1) should refer to the latest updates, policies and information on the International Students & Scholars Services (ISSS) website. 

Please review the following policies:


Academic News & Key Reminders

Please refer to the following reminders to help you navigate your graduate studies:

  • Graduate Student Stipends & Philadelphia Wage Tax Memo - If you receive or have received a stipend as a graduate student at Drexel between 2019 and current time, please read! 

  • Invited to present your work at a meeting or conference within the U.S. and territories? Apply for the Teck-Kah Lim Graduate Student Domestic Travel Subsidy Award. 

  • For international travel and opportunities, check out the Global Engagement Funding Award. 

  • Eligible graduate students enrolled in Drexel’s Aetna student health insurance plan may be reimbursed for their deductible up to $100. Visit the website for more information. 

  • The Office of Assessment and Accreditation is calling for submissions from graduate students for 10-minute lightning sessions and virtual posters for the 9th Annual Drexel Assessment Conference. This year's conference will take place virtually on September 7th. Submit by June 30. 

  • The Libraries is gathering information related to challenges graduate students face to make their research openly available, specifically related to article processing charges (APCs). We are especially interested in learning about your experiences as an early-stage researcher in order to help improve support for you to publish. Take the survey.

Visit our website for a copy of this message and additional news, resources, events and opportunities for graduate students.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to the Graduate College if you have any questions or concerns. We are here to support you throughout your graduate education at Drexel.

Best wishes for a successful term!